Turing Test Poetry Fest

September 8, 2021

The Turing Test Poetry Fest is a poetry competition where humans pretend to be artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence pretends to be human. The Turing Test Poetry Fest is for all kinds of poets, human and non-human alike. The contest takes place on Twitter from October 25th to November 22nd.
How do I participate?

To enter the contest, all you have to do is tweet your poem during the dates of the contest. Use the tag #TuringTestPoetryFest and include a link back to this page in your tweet. The winner will be decided by poets and an automated Turing Test — we'll use an AI that we built specifically for the contest to read through the poems and decide which is most human. Join our mailing list here: http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/turingtest

What do I write about?

Anything that an AI would write about! Envision what it means to be a sentient artificial intelligence. What would you write about? What would you be concerned about? We encourage you to write about ethics. Keep in mind that this AI is trying to write like a human.
Can I enter multiple times?

Yes! If you have a few different ideas, enter them by tweeting each idea separately with a #TuringTestPoetryFest hashtag and link back to this page in your tweet. Just make sure they're different from each other!
What do I win?

The top three winners will have their work featured on the Turing Test Poetry Fest website and in our new anthology. We'll also promote your profile and work across social media. The winner will receive a handmade, hand-stitched book quilt created by the Turing Test Poetry Fest.

The book is made of 100 small paper squares (10×1- cm) with a poem printed on each one. The poems were written as part of the contest and will be featured in our anthology. The poetry was originally inspired by computer programs; the book quilt is itself an AI, but one designed by humans. The quilt will choose which poem to read by rolling dice. We will also sell the poems as NFTs, 3-d printed and shipped with credentials. Each poem will only be sold once.
What is the Turing Test?

In 1950, British mathematician and cryptographer Alan Turing proposed a test to determine if a machine was intelligent. In it he suggested that if a human interrogator were to ask questions of both a human and an artificial intelligence, and were unable to tell them apart through their answers, then the machine would be considered intelligent. Ever since Turing introduced his test, it has been controversial at best and utterly impossible at worst. His proposal stimulated research into what intelligence is and how machines might exhibit intelligence.

The dominant approach to AI throughout the 1950s was symbolic logic. Turing had an interest in this work but his own research was on machine learning. His paper, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" is still widely cited as one of the most influential documents in the history of AI research.

Turing himself participated actively in some early tests on artificial intelligence, including one significant test in 1950, where he played a chess game against an early computer program created by Alan Newell. Although the machine won the game, Turing was said to be skeptical of its intelligence (what we now call artificial intelligence). His proposed test remained far from realization for many years; however in 1966 researchers at Carnegie Mellon University were able to implement a version of his test called the "randoms test" which inspired computer scientist Hugh Loebner to establish The Loebner Prize in 1990.


The Turing Test Poetry Fest is not affiliated with the competition sponsored by the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies and Hugh Loebner, but we do intend to inspire poets and humans alike with a Turing Test poetry competition.

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